Resources for Program Providers


Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Resources

DCYF is committed to supporting the professional development of the City’s youth worker workforce during the Shelter in Place Order. Visit the TACB Resources page to access materials from recent workshops that were presented by our technical assistance and capacity building educators.

 Supporting the Families You Serve

Service providers offer so much more to the community than the programming that takes place day-to-day: you serve as a connector for families in your community who need services and resources beyond those your agency can provide. We’ve compiled information about the services and resources that in-need families request most often.

Curriculum Resources

Curriculum guides, lesson plans, games, activities, and much more, organized into five different content areas. Features local organizations, online resources, and much more.

Online Learning Resources

We’ve included two paths for service providers on this page: one specifically for DCYF grantees that includes links to online professional development opportunities, and a second that includes resources for any agency that wants to convert educational programming into an online resource for the children, youth, and families you serve.