District 11 Family Summit
DCYF hosted the We are the City: District 11 Family Summit on Saturday, October 12, 2019, 1PM - 3PM at the Crocker Amazon Clubhouse. Youth and families from the Excelsior, Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside, Outer Mission, Crocker Amazon and neighboring communities spent their Saturday afternoon with us. They shared their personal stories, perspectives and experiences to help us better understand the challenges of raising children or growing up in San Francisco. Some of the key themes highlighted during the discussions include:
Transportation, family support, child care, and after-care are major factors that affect families’ daily life.
Parents with children going to school in different neighborhoods face many logistical challenges.
Need improved public transportation and parking and more neighborhood options for school and after care
Appreciation for high quality after school programs in their neighborhood. Parents want culturally relevant programs and to trust the staff.
Need for additional afterschool programs. Children with special needs need more support from these programs.
Families want universal free preschool.
More support for newcomer and immigrant families.
Increase access to culturally competent mental health services and reduce stigma.
The cost of housing is displacing SF families , but their children are still going to school and accessing services here.
The We Are The City Family Summits are places for City residents to make their voices heard. What they shared will play a critical role in our five year planning process, ultimately guiding how the City will invest in programs and services for our children, youth and young people (ages 0-24).
Shout out to the youth and families along with Supervisor Ahsha Safaí and Monica Chinchilla of the D11 office for joining us. Shout out to Mestiza Catering for the delicious food spread. Shout out to Mission Y for providing childcare. Shout out to the Intergraphics team for providing in language facilitation. And a special shout out to the staff of DCYF, Bright Research Group and Livable City Sunday Streets.